How is the property market in Ibiza? Looking for that off-market home on the market?
Investment Case: Land to Construct 1,  2 or 3 Villas (30-40% return in 2-3 Years)
February 10, 2021
By: Claudia Zezukiewiets
Next to the island being a perfect place to rewind and relax, it is possible to earn a good ROI / Return on Investment in Ibiza. With the right team of experts which consists of at least a technical architect, an architect, a lawyer, and a local project manager, you can accurately assess the potential…
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Two Plots

The total surface of the two plots is 2.886m2 and it now has an old ruin of a Spanish mansion on the biggest plot, and a guesthouse on the plot adjacent. Our recommendation would be to construct:

  1. Two new villas on the bigger land
  2. Renovate the casita on the smaller land

One could also tear down all of it and create one big villa of more than 800m2 or 2 smaller ones of 432,9m2. There are some incredible sea- and mountain views if you were to create a nice chill-out rooftop. Promotors who have bought similar plots are commercializing developments with similar characteristics at €1.800.000 as you can see here:

The Numbers

We have made 2 scenarios for the acquisition cost of this plot and projected construction costs. Looking at the area and the neighboring properties we would advise against a very high-end construction. However, people are looking more and more for good qualities, so going for the cheap might make you end up with a product which is not sellable and just has too much competition from poorly constructed villas on the island.

 * This scenario is based on the current situation where the buyer would need to pay Property Transfer Tax (ITP). When the building license is in place, one will need to pay VAT on the purchase which is 21%. This VAT, however, could be offset when selling the property once it is ready (and if you have done the operation within a Limited Liability Company (Spanish S.L.). If it is built for own use, you will not be able to offset the paid VAT. Again, there are many different scenarios, and it is advisable to have a (tax) lawyer make a calculation based on your personal situation. Contact us in case you would like to have a simulation tailored to your situation.

How to Start?

When starting a project like this, you will need a good team of professionals working on the project. You might want to be involved in the fun part of the project, the design. The technical part is a different ballgame and needs the right eyes in order to make it a safe investment. Once you have made the decision to build your villa in Ibiza you will be pleased to know that the market value is already quite a bit higher than the cash you have invested. That is the big advantage of the extra little effort you must make… Contact us for a quick coffee or schedule a call so we can give you some more information about this project. More info about the property:

The opulence and convenience of a hotel, in your own serviced luxury home in Ibiza. Providing a complete, yet dynamic service for your home, which works efficiently by tackling your needs in three distinct ways. Firstly, by supplying community services as standard, focusing on the local area’s security and appearance. Secondly, a home service that centres...
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