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Food For Ibiza
December 5, 2019
By: Claudia Zezukiewiets
Not everyone is a fortunate as us to be able to buy nice food & wines & nice gifts for our loved ones during Christmas. This is unacceptable to the organization of Food for Ibiza. Everyone should enjoy during Christmas. This charity has been collecting funds & canned food for those who can’t afford a…

Not everyone is a fortunate as us to be able to buy nice food & wines & nice gifts for our loved ones during Christmas. This is unacceptable to the organization of Food for Ibiza. Everyone should enjoy during Christmas. This charity has been collecting funds & canned food for those who can’t afford a gift, not even a nice meal. This holiday especially is aimed to share and to think of those with less.

With the donation they will buy presents for the kids, a toy for the little ones and clothes for the bigger kids. Food for Ibiza will also prepare vouchers so the parents can buy food and have an amazing time, a few days without the worry of not having the basic needs.

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Making Ibiza Farmers Famous We want to support the farming community by helping farmers and the farming community to become better linked and supported. As a result of the press, publicity and awareness efforts, buyers will know where to buy produce direct from the land, and how to support farmers and their work A supportive...
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