How is the property market in Ibiza? Looking for that off-market home on the market?
Looking to Invest in Ibiza? A Complete Guide on Investing in Ibiza
March 17, 2020
By: Claudia Zezukiewiets
Looking to invest in Ibiza? Who is investing in Ibiza? What could you buy at which price? What are rental yield opportunities? Why is the island so popular? In the next 8 weeks, we are going to provide you with answers to all of these questions. We love statistics and data so be prepared for…

1. Looking to Invest in Ibiza? What makes Ibiza so Special?

Numbers don't lie. Ibiza sees year-on-year increases in visitor numbers. Find out about the facts. What is that 'X-Factor' that attracts people to the island? It's the vibe, good food and so many opportunities on very little geographical space.

Ibiza Visitor Numbers

The white island is located in the Mediterranean Sea and easy to visit from many European countries within a maximum of 3 hours of flight time. Visitor numbers have been increasing year-on-year (YOY). Incoming 2014 had 3.092.036 incoming flights and this number increased to 4.062.117 in 2019. This is an increase of more than 31%.

Overall we are seeing an increase in visitor numbers in Ibiza. When diving a bit more into detail, I see a more interesting fact showing where growth is coming from. For many years, Ibiza was showing increasing YOY numbers every summer. However, the winter season visitors have seen an increase of almost 100% since 2014. Winter is becoming increasingly popular. Why? Because the island is small, the right vibe and has all you need to spend some precious time with your loved ones. All, at the right temperature… [caption id="attachment_16604" align="alignnone" width="1116"]

Invest in Ibiza

Invest in Ibiza[/caption]


Many people think that Ibiza is about partying, and only about partying. Wrong! Ibiza is about joy for kids and elderly people plus everything in between. Gastronomy concepts are on the rise, with the influence of many national and international entrepreneurs. Boris Buono, known from Noma which was voted best in the world, time and time again! In Ibiza, he has started Ibiza Food Studio , the heart and soul behind the restaurant Taller de Tapas in Ibiza Town.

Photo: Taller de Tapas (Ibiza Food Studio)

Another gem, located in Cala Gracio, is Es Tragón . It is so good, that it is the one and only restaurant with a Michelin Star in Ibiza. It definitely shows an improvement of the hospitality sector in Ibiza.

Photo: Es Tragón

The beauty of Ibiza lies in its laidback culture which is now often translated in different restaurant concepts. Comfortable chairs… sandy toes… there is a lot of competition. The result? Increasing qualities. A few of these examples are definitely Babylon Beach Bar and Chiringuito Blue in Santa Eularia. In Cala Gracio (Sant Antonio) you don’t want to miss Cala Gracioneta . All of these places offer good value for money.

Photo: Cala Gracioneta

The Good Vibe

Don’t stress if things won’t work out today, they will work out tomorrow. In general, the Spanish have a very relaxed approach to life. On top of this, Ibiza has a hippy history. We all know that hippies are not averse to relaxation at all which makes the atmosphere on Ibiza very down to earth. People accept, tolerate and help each other. For this reason, Ibiza - also many times described as a ‘Jetset-Destination’- differentiates itself from other luxury destinations around the globe. Relax and rejuvenate by taking your towel to the beach, swim naked and open a cold bottle of wine from your coolbox and hear just the sound of the waves or spoil yourself with a luxury beach bed enjoying a massage after a lobster-filled lunch!

Beaches and Nature

Next to luxury, food, relaxation the island is more and more becoming a place for sports, business trips/conferences, mindfulness, yoga and various other action sports. Ibiza is full of mountains, woods, beaches and totally surrounded by water. This gives the opportunity to be active and explore. Stand up Paddleboarding is very popular on the island as well as the various (night) hikes which take you to the best places which you otherwise never would have seen. A lot of old-style Ibicencan fincas are being transformed into yoga retreats and teambuilding-spots. Doing activities to stimulate your mind in the fresh nature ringed by pine trees and orange trees makes people relax and renew their energy levels. Originally Ibiza is known from its spiritual background which strengthens the ability to mindfulness. Whether this is really true or not, people feel good by doing so and therefore keep visiting this wonderful island and spread the word. Don't forget to subscribe to new releases around this topic, at the bottom of this page. In the next article, we will have a look at the Economy in Ibiza, with lots of statistics to feed your analytical minds.  

What is the cédula de habitabilidad and what is it for? In the following article we will define, explain and delimit everything related to the cédulas de habitabilidad (habitation certificates) and their regulation on the island of Ibiza, where our professional activity as a real estate company takes place. The reason is to try to...
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